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Home Tuition Institute

A team of inspiring and highly experienced tutors 


"Education is the key to success in life and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their students."



About us


We are specialists in delivering one-on-one tuition to students at all academic levels (primary, secondary, and university) of education. We have over 30 years of experience in tutoring Mathematics and Physics as well as other subjects such as English, Chemistry, Biology, Accounting, and Business Management. We also teach IB Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, to help prepare students for scholarship tests, entry examinations for selective schools, ICAS, and GAMSAT.


​Why choose us?


Highly experienced tutors


Our tutors have Masters or Ph.D. degrees, with extensive experience in teaching.  We make a big difference in students’ education and future. We are passionate about teaching. We help students overcome their weakness and build confidence. We inspire our students to engage in learning and we teach them to understand subject matter concepts in depth. Using this approach our students enjoy learning, feel motivated, and put more effort into achieving their goals.


One-on-one tuition


Most students do not learn well when in groups. If students spend 6 hours a day sitting in school classes and struggle to understand the concepts, then 2 or 3 hours of group tutoring each week will not considerably improve learning outcomes for them. Group tutoring is not effective mainly due to distractions in classrooms, limited interactions between tutors and students, and the fast pace of tutors. More importantly, the concepts taught at tuition centres may not be the same as what schools are teaching during that period. Therefore, we believe group tuition would not benefit most students.


Knowing each student has a different learning ability, we offer only one-on-one tuition to assess students’ specific needs and develop programs that are designed just for them. This helps our students learn better, achieve their full potential and get the best results in their assessments.


Proven Success


We have long-term proven success. Many of our students achieved top marks and even perfect scores in VCE exams. Most of these students also received scholarships from private schools and universities. One of our students was granted a $100,000 scholarship from The University of Melbourne to study medicine and she is now a doctor. Many others are now successful surgeons, engineers, architects, pilots, businessmen and university lecturers.


We have also helped many young students achieve high scores in Mathematics competitions such as Maths Olympiads and International Mathematics Competitions (ICAS). Some of our students received gold medals at ICAS.


No contract


Unlike other tuition centres, which make you pay one whole term fee upfront, you pay us only per lesson.


Flexible on location


Our tutors are available at your home,  online, or at public libraries. 


Free resources


Most tuition centres make you pay for their notes. Most of these notes are similar to school textbooks problems and do not benefit students much. These notes only bring extra work and stress to students. Our tutors mainly focus on school requirements and then give free practice tests that help students assess their knowledge. These practice tests help both students and tutors know which topics need to be revised before actual school assessments.


Providing feedback and guidance


Our tutors provide regular feedback and guidance to our students and their parents. We inform parents of any issue of concern after each lesson and provide advice on ways to improve their children’s learning.


Our main focus is to improve learning skills in our students and not just expect them to memorise by rote.  Most educational systems and tutoring centres only teach and expect students to learn, however; students are not taught effective ways of learning. We believe the first step in teaching should be guiding students on strategies that improve their understanding as well as learning retention. We also guide our students in selecting subjects that would benefit them the most.


Learning effective exam strategies is the most important part of achieving top marks on many examinations. Students are usually taught the long and detailed way of solving problems but, when it comes to multiple-choice questions, getting the correct answer in the fastest way is important. Using shortcuts and exam strategies can make a big difference in saving time and managing to complete the exam.   


Successful future


Investing in your children’s education could be the best investment you can make! When your children become successful in their profession then you can see the long-term benefit of your investment.


Investing in your children’s education benefits you financially. When your children achieve top marks there would be an opportunity for them to apply for a scholarship.  We had a student who was granted a $100,000 scholarship, her parents benefited 50 times more than what they spent on tuition.


Our tutors are highly qualified, experienced in teaching, and committed to making a big difference in each student’s future. Spending very little money and hiring unqualified, inexperienced tutors may not bring top marks for your children.




  • Mathematics

  • Science

  • Physics

  • Accounting

  • Chemistry

  • English

  • Business Management





Phone: 0448757184



One of our students who received a gold medal at ICAS.









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